Busan Fischmarkt, Tsukiji, Hongkong und Berlin
In den 1950er Jahren schien der Reichtum der Meere nahezu unerschöpflich. Doch innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte haben es die Menschen geschafft, die Bestände der wichtigsten Speisefische bis auf einen Bruchteil der früheren Fülle zu plündern. Sollte sich an der Situation nichts ändern, werden laut Prognose die meisten Fischbestände bis zum Jahr 2048 kollabiert sein. Momentan sind laut FAO nur 10% der globalen Fischbestände noch nicht an der Belastungsgrenze befischt. Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet dies, dass 90% maximal befischt oder sogar überfischt sind.
Gopalpur is a town and a Notified Area Council on the Bay of Bengal coast in Ganjam district in the southern part of Odisha, India. Once a commercial port, it is now a famous sea beach and tourist destination around 15 km from Berhampur. During a hike deep inside the city we suddenly came across this pink church. It seemed quiet empty, until a priest showed up and escorted us into the colorful chapel area where he presented his indian translation of the bible.
All pictures shot in march 2014 with Fujifilm X100s
May Day in Kreuzberg refers to the street fairs and demonstrations organized by leftist and extreme-left groups in Berlin's borough Kreuzberg on the 1st of May. Specifically, this term may refer to the 1st of May 1987, when particularly severe unrest hit Kreuzberg and the Berlin police had to retreat entirely from district SO 36 (a part of Kreuzberg) for several hours. Since then, Autonome (socialists) and Anti-Fascist groups have been organizing one or more so-called "Revolutionary 1st of May Demonstrations" almost every year. There can be riots in the night before or after the 1st of May.